Argus Investors’ Counsel Inc., an SEC-registered advisor, manages SMA portfolios for institutional and high-net-worth investors, as well as for advisors looking to save time by outsourcing portfolio management. Argus maintains both direct client and subadvisory relationships with many Separately Managed Account Platforms at broker dealers, banks, and registered investment advisory firms.
Popular Argus strategies include:
Core Equity |
Fact Sheet |
Quarterly Report |
A diversified portfolio of large-cap, financially strong companies, designed for investors seeking long-term capital appreciation, with income as a secondary goal. |
U.S. Dividend Growers |
Fact Sheet |
Quarterly Report |
A diversified portfolio of stocks that have shown consistent above-average rates of dividend growth, designed for investors seeking current income and long-term capital appreciation. |
Innovators |
Fact Sheet |
Quarterly Report |
A diversified portfolio of companies that have a proven record of innovation, designed for highly risk-tolerant investors seeking long-term capital appreciation, with income as a secondary goal. |
Fact Sheet |
A diversified portfolio of companies with strong earnings that also score high on environmental, social, and governance metrics. The portfolio is designed for investors seeking long-term capital appreciation, with current income as a secondary goal. |
Custom Portfolios
Argus custom-builds portfolio strategies to meet specific client needs. Using individual stocks, bonds, ETFs, and other assets, Argus can assemble and manage a diversified portfolio that meets a desired investment objective and risk profile.
Direct licensing of Argus SMA portfolio strategies is also available for those seeking to directly manage client accounts with our model portfolios or to establish a co-branding relationship with Argus.
Click here for Equity Model Portfolio info.
Click here for ETF Model Portfolio info.