Our team of Analysts & Strategists provide ratings and reports on thousands of securities, utilizing both our proprietary qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Our analysts cover more than 400 stocks, which are distributed across more than 60 industries and all asset classes. These stocks are rated BUY, HOLD & SELL. We publish Analyst Reports on each of these companies.
Our quant model, which follows our six-point system, rates more than 1,500 securities BUY, HOLD & SELL. We are developing a new report, the A6 report, to provide additional detail to the quant ratings and insights into each of the 1,500-plus companies under quant coverage.
Argus' Investment Strategy Team runs a different iteration of the Argus quant model to rank more than 2,200 global companies on criteria ranging from earnings momentum to valuation to quality. These ratings are typically organized into portfolios.