Argus Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Model Portfolios allow advisors to offer a diversified, convenient, and economical managed solution to a wide spectrum of clients. The ETF portfolios are actively managed and draw on the resources of Argus Research portfolio managers and research analysts.
Conservative Fact Sheet Quarterly Report
Designed for investors with a shorter time horizon and/or those having a low tolerance for risk. This portfolio is intended to be the most conservative implementation of the three portfolios currently managed by Argus.
Growth Fact Sheet Quarterly Report
Designed for investors with a reasonably long time horizon until retirement, those just entering retirement with a longer life expectancy, and/or those having a slightly higher tolerance for risk. This portfolio’s risk exposure will fall in the middle of the three portfolios currently managed by Argus.
Aggressive Fact Sheet Quarterly Report
Designed for investors with a long time horizon until retirement and/or a high tolerance for risk. This portfolio will maintain higher exposures to equities, foreign and domestic, and will offer the most aggressive strategy implementation of the three portfolios managed by Argus.
Each ETF portfolio will seek to hold 15 to 20 different ETF positions to gain the desired risk/return benefits of broad diversification. Changes to the portfolios, along with the rationale, are distributed to clients via ETF Research Notes. Argus ETF portfolios are designed to be used in conjunction with other Argus Research portfolio reports, including the Investment Portfolio Guide, which offers asset allocation models, and the Fixed Income Strategy Report, which lists specific income-oriented investments for portfolio consideration.
Click Here for Equity Model Portfolios info.
Click Here for Separately Manage Accounts info.