Argus Equity Model Portfolios offer advisors the ability to manage U.S. equity allocations across client accounts. Our process combines timely ideas from our award-winning team of analysts with modern portfolio theory, resulting in diversified portfolios with low turnover and clear, written communication of each position change.
Equity Income Model Portfolio
Fact Sheet
Designed to generate an above-average level of income for investors.
Growth & Income Model Portfolio
Fact Sheet
Designed for investors seeking long-term growth of capital as well as current income.
Growth Portfolio
Fact Sheet
Designed for investors seeking capital growth with no current income, and with a high tolerance for risk.
Institutional Model Portfolio
Fact Sheet
Designed for investors seeking capital gains and modest dividend income and willing to tolerate some risk.
Our model portfolio process starts with the Argus Research Universe of Coverage. The portfolio managers then interact regularly with Argus research analysts to obtain their best "total-return" ideas within the parameters of each model.
The model portfolio management team, led by Director of Research Jim Kelleher, CFA, reviews the coverage and ratings continuously, and makes decisions about which stocks to include in each portfolio, which sectors to emphasize, and when to rebalance position weights. Changes to the portfolios are distributed to advisors and clients via e-mail the same day.
Model Licensing
Direct licensing of our portfolios is available for those seeking to manage client accounts using our model portfolios or to promote an Argus co-branding relationship.
Click Here for ETF Model Portfolio info.
Click Here for Separately Manage Accounts info.
Past performance of the model portfolios is not indicative of future performance.