Argus Vickers Ltd. identifies Institutional and Individual Equity Ownership behind all companies listed in the UK & Ireland. The FTSE, FTSE all share, AIM, Aquis Exchange and Euronext Dublin quoted companies and Investment Trusts.
The intelligence that Argus Vickers provides include the Fund Managers and the Beneficial Owners holdings behind the Nominee accounts, and the ability to disclose highly accurate and timely coverage of investor movements to the lower threshold of 0.01% of a companies Issued Share Capital (Shares Outstanding). 25 of the FTSE100 are analysed weekly, 100s of companies are analysed monthly. All companies are updated within 4 – 12 weeks.
Data Feeds and subscription products provide access to the most current and comprehensive UK share ownership service available; tracking investor movements, portfolios, and trends – current and historical.
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